I have a 25 year experience as a researcher and clinical academic 16 of these as a research group supervisor.
I have served in several senior academic roles including a Professor at Keele University and the University of Birmingham UK, Honorary director of e-Learning at the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists, Clinical Research lead for one of the largest Reproductive Health and Childbirth Specialty Groups in the UK and currently as a Professor at Charles University.
I supervised 16 postgraduate students in thesis-based degrees at MSc., MD and PhD levels. I was involved in, or the lead on the writing of several successful grant applications that generated more than £11.5 million.
I have more than 200 peer-reviewed publications including original research papers, systematic and expert reviews, books and book chapters. I acted as a scientific reviewer for several journals and funding bodies including NIHR and MRC. My published papers have been cited more than 3800 times and my h- and i10- indices are 32 and 74 respectively.
I am here to share this experience with you and help you get your work ready to be considered for publication.
Professor Khaled Ismail MBBCh, MSc., MD, PhD